Sunday, April 3, 2016

Waxwing photos - South Burlington, VT bird photos

"Bohemian Waxwing: 8", Grayish above; gray belly and reddish-brown undertail coverts; red, yellow, and white spots on wing." 

~Field Guide to Birds, Donald & Lillian Stokes. 

The refrigerator is full. 

"Cedar Waxwing: 7", Brownish above; yellow belly and white undertail coverts; only red spots on wings." ~Field Guide to Birds, Donald & Lillian Stokes. 

"Juv: Both species similar to adult, but with blurry streaking on breast." 

~Field Guide to Birds, Donald & Lillian Stokes.

Thanks to Bruce MacPherson [Green Mountain Audubon Society] for this alert:  Saw 76 Waxwings at Technology Park this afternoon [4/2]. They were feeding on crab apples right in front of the Symtech entrance. ~Bruce

I biked over to see them on 4/3. Temps in mid-20s, strong cold north wind. Fingers nearly frozen by the time I got to the birds. Had trouble with pushing the camera button. Birds were very patient with me. ~Bernie

Bernie publishes short stories and photos reflecting Vermont's values of Green and Clean and Community. 

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