Sunday, August 13, 2017

What is birding? South Hero, Vt. Marsh Trail

left to right: Barbara, Rich, Pam, Trish, Carol, Maeve

For me, birding is an activity or even a set of behaviors whereby people walk through fields, woods, and water - ecosystems as complicated as human life if not more so. People birdwatching, as they stop, look, and listen, begin to realize how much there is to be seen in the world of birds and nature in general. 

Increasingly, as we grow our observation skills, we realize how many species of birds inhabit our fields and woodlands and waterways. 

Then after determining the rich diversity of songs, colors, and species of birds that we before had not noticed or sought out - then and perhaps only then do we realize what birding is: birding is many, many, bird eyes on us. Perhaps we view one for every __(dozens?) or more that watch us passing through landscape that they are much more aware of than we are. 

Immature Black-crowned Night-Heron

Oh how the birds must giggle at our noisy approaches, our somewhat impatient movement, our nearly unseeing eyes, our grounded feet and flightless wings. Still they periodically honor us with warm melodies upon open leafless branches, gleaming colorful feathers basked in sunlight like music stars on a stage. 

This Song Sparrow had a juicy insect to feed nestlings, but the parent was reluctant to deliver the tasty morsel until we humans departed.

Often, if we are the least bit patient, quiet, birds will acclimate to our presence and go about their everyday chores: feeding, nest building, family raising, even playing in the air, on the ground and water, and in trees and bushes and grasses.

Then we people can enjoy observing birds' behaviors and intricate attire (as perhaps they do of us); for then we become less clumsy intruders and more welcomed guests. 

The following photos were taken by Barbara Mines on the South Hero Marsh Trail walk.

Yellow Warbler

Swallowtail Butterfly

Juvenile robin - looking mottled and messy!

Island Arts sponsored a talk about Birds of Vermont's Lakes, Rivers, Ponds and Swamps, followed by a field trip to the South Hero Marsh Trail

Join Maeve for other informative, energetic and interesting classes about birds and birding. Click here.

To see many more photos of South Hero Marsh Trail birds, go to

VT Birds and Words

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