with their red caps
look like they came from France
with their Le Chapeaus
only they really came from up north
during irruption years (roughly every few years)
when food is scare for them up north.
We were glad they stopped by
and tip their hat to us
as we tipped our hat to them. by Bernie
Purple Finch
Purple Finch
I loved your redpoll closeups. I learn something new every time. I did not know males sometimes sport ragged looking vests that range from rose to red. S.L.
Bernie, I have had hordes of redcaps. I love the way they hang in with each other, only an occasional spat. Refil the nyjer seed feeder every day. I don't care if a bear comes, certainly lots of squirrels are still hanging out. J.A.
HI Bernie, Great shots! Thanks for sharing them. I felt like I was there. W V B
Thanks for sharing the bird photos... Yesterday, I uncovered these Scarlet Cap fungus,
T.B. Underhill
Love Redpolls! They are one of the great characters of the winter landscape. I believe that Image 19 is actually a Hoary Redpoll, not a Common Redpoll. If it is that is a great find! Also, the finches are House Finches not Purple Finches. It can be very difficult to tell them apart, especially when male house finches, like the one pictured, have such a deep red coloration. You can typically tell the males apart by looking for the black streaking on the belly. If the bird has black streaks, then it is a House Finch, as Purple finches lack these dark markings and typically have a pink/white bellies, without black streaks. Love the photos! Thanks for posting!