Friday, January 31, 2025

Red, White, and Blue against a backdrop of Yellow at our bird feeders today

These two goldfinches are outsized nearly 2 to 1 by the bluebird.

   Against a white snowy background, our birdfeeders recently drew in red, white, and blue, not to mention black and white checkered patterns, as well as nearly a hundred splotches of yellow

Between the birdfeeders and the seed spread on the ground, we attracted nearly 100 goldfinches. We were able to count 82 but surely that was a big undercount. 

Chickadees, white-breasted and red-breasted nuthatches had a heck of a time squeezing in for a quick seed grab-and-fly. 

This red-breasted woodpecker had no trouble shooing away the goldfinches (temporarily).

He gets top billing!

Male R.B. Woodpeckers have a bright red crown that starts at the forehead at the beak and goes down to the nape. 

There is room for everyone on the ground. 
Can you find each of the three bluebirds?

Don't forget me!

Psst. They are trying to circle around us.

Male and Female Bluebirds.

It's musical chairs and rotating colors
 at the tray feeders today. 

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