Friday, January 31, 2025

Red, White, and Blue against a backdrop of Yellow at our bird feeders today

These two goldfinches are outsized nearly 2 to 1 by the bluebird.

   Against a white snowy background, our birdfeeders recently drew in red, white, and blue, not to mention black and white checkered patterns, as well as nearly a hundred splotches of yellow

Between the birdfeeders and the seed spread on the ground, we attracted nearly 100 goldfinches. We were able to count 82 but surely that was a big undercount. 

Chickadees, white-breasted and red-breasted nuthatches had a heck of a time squeezing in for a quick seed grab-and-fly. 

This red-breasted woodpecker had no trouble shooing away the goldfinches (temporarily).

He gets top billing!

Male R.B. Woodpeckers have a bright red crown that starts at the forehead at the beak and goes down to the nape. 

There is room for everyone on the ground. 
Can you find each of the three bluebirds?

Don't forget me!

Psst. They are trying to circle around us.

Male and Female Bluebirds.

It's musical chairs and rotating colors
 at the tray feeders today. 

Friday, January 17, 2025

Mouser atop our bird feeder pole

 Barred Owl photos in our Jericho, VT backyard were taken from 7:19 AM to 10:58 AM, Jan 15, 2025. We think its name is either Fred or Fredericka. 

I hear a mouse, but I don't see one.

Distance from our kitchen window to the owl 7. 3 feet. 


                                            We look the same way before our morning coffee.

My, that other bird is so small.                                 

My, that other bird is so big!

Life is a balancing act.

Smug as a bug in a rug. 

Reflecting on last night's Rabbit Stew. So good.
Barred owls (Strix varia) are generalist predators. They feed primarily on mammals (rats, shrews, and voles to name a few), but will also consume other birds, reptiles, amphibians, crustaceans, and even fish and earthworms. In the Pacific Northwest flying squirrels make up a large portion of barred owl prey, while in urban North Carolina birds made up 50% of barred owl diets.            - Hawk Moutain
A few years back we viewed an owl eating a rabbit it had taken on our driveway. 


Smiley face - one Happy Owl

"Is that big fellow gone?" 
"I think so." 

I won't say goodbye; "Owl be back". 

In a year, an owl can eat over 1,000 rodents. 
If you poison mice, you poison owls too.

Saturday, July 6, 2024


SCROLL DOWN TO THE NEXT POST FOR INFORMATION ABOUT MAEVE'S NEW BOOK!! Birds and birders, familiar Vermont birding locations, and spicy romance - It's got it all! 

BUT NOW - Paddling the LaPlatte

words by Maeve, photos by Bernie and Maeve

Put your kayak or canoe in at the Shelburne Bay State Fishing Access and paddle up the LaPlatte River. 

It's best to go fairly early in the summer, when water levels are usually high and you can explore the marshy areas to the sides of the main current and maybe float over or around any fallen trees. 

Great Blue Heron

But any time during late spring, summer and fall, the river and marshes are full of life! 

Herons love the marshes!
Green Heron
immature Green Heron, preening

This is a first-year Great Blue Heron. At first glance, all that mottling in front puzzled us!

Black-crowned Night Heron

Great Egret

Other water-loving birds also love this place!

Marsh Wrens rattle from all sides, although only the fortunate get to actually see one. (This photo was taken at a different paddling location; we don't have any from the LaPlatte.)

Double-crested Cormorant

Canada Goose

Osprey - female and chick

Caspian Tern


And LOTS of other birds! I have seen a total of 93 species along the LaPlatte, including a Common Gallinule (2024), a Snowy Egret ('23), seven species of ducks, Greater and Lesser Yellowlegs, a Solitary Sandpiper, Wilson's Snipe, six members of the woodpecker family, six kinds of flycatchers (Eastern Kingbirds regularly nest on a fallen willow tree not far from Shelburne Bay), and almost fifty species of song birds. One of my favorite memories is paddling on an overcast day, surrounded by quiet, and suddenly the clouds parted and a ray of sunlight highlighted a male Scarlet Tanager on a branch close to the water!

Ring-billed Gull

Paddling the LaPlatte is also a great opportunity to observe other wildlife.

Painted Turtles were sunning on logs and swimming right by our boats. Bernie photographed several, and Maeve reached out and petted one.

At least two dozen tiny green frogs were leaping up the muddy bank alongside the river. Bernie looked them up when we got home, and they were young Northern Leopard Frogs, Vermont's state amphibian.

The Nature Conservancy has a trail that runs along part of the LaPlatte. Here are information and photos about that!