Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Arizona Sky Islands: Huachucas, Chiricahuas, Madera Canyon - Landscape photos

Arizona Sky Islands Scenic Photos:
*Cat Mountain  / Sonora Desert
*Santa Rita Mountains / Madera Canyon
*Miller Canyon / Huachucas Mountains
*Chiricahuas (Cave Creek)
*and travel in between.

Cat Mountain -Tuscon / Sonora Desert 

Saguaro Cactus pronounced suh-wahr-oh, grows in the Sonoran desert in southern Arizona. Grows to an average height of 40 feet (record of 78 feet). Takes up to 10 years to grow 1 inch in height. Produces first flowers after about 35-70 years at about 6.5 feet tall. By 95-100 years reaches 15-16 feet and grows its first arm. By 200 years old reaches full height. Some produce several arms, some none. Reason unknown. 

Why do some Saguaro arms droop?
Severe frost or extended periods of freezing temperatures can turn the soft tissues to mush. If the saguaro recovers from the damage the arm may continue to grow or sprout a new arm at the end of the damaged area.

A foot of Saguaro can weigh 90 lbs. (at full height over a ton) due to water storage. Blooms between April and June. After pollination, fruit develops. Each fruit produces 2000 tiny black seeds. During the Saguaro's lifetime it might produce 40 million seeds. However the survival rate is extremely low.  

Santa Rita MountainsMadera Canyon

Miller Canyon / Huachucas Mountains (Beatty's Ranch)



Chiricahuas (Cave Creek)

Nature nurture time




Travel in between

Western Kingbird

Say's Phoebe


I thought Jericho, VT was the rock capitol of the world (after digging in to plant perennials and trees).

    Time to mosey on 

Always more birds to view.

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